
Work Your QUIRKs:


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25th Sept

Led by the Brand Named

Lily Naadu Mensah

Author of Work Your Quirks

Why a virtual classroom?

Maybe the one-off seminars didn’t quite hit the spot or ​the face-2-face coaching is not feasible. If so, then this ​virtual program, carefully crafted around the book ​“Work Your Quirks” could be just the ticket;

Perhaps you've looked at your goals or revisited your ​vision board for 2024, AND/OR have been directed by ​your coach to do certain things to increase your brand's ​visibility but are still at odds as to where the heck to ​start the next leg of the journey?

You could well have read the fabulous book Work Your ​Quirks and just need a firm but gentle hand to help you ​bring it all to life for you.

Whatever the reason, join us for 5 x weekly sessions in ​a group setting plus a bonus 1-2-1 with Branding & AI ​Enthusiast, Lily Naadu Mensah. Learn how your ​personal impact affects your career and/or business by ​gaining exclusive tools and tricks to make your brand ​sparkle.

Senior businesswoman having virtual meeting
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25th Sept​

Past attendee’s recommendation

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Outsourcing to virtual assistant

Designed for professionals & Entrepreneurs

Focusing on increasing visibility. It also provides context so delegates can build an efficient off-line and online presence with a plan to integrate into their overall career or business success strategy.

Virtual Medical Appointment

Each Cohort member gets to

  • Build their brand around their goals and expertise
  • Stand head and shoulders above their peers
  • Use social media to enhance professional brand
  • Network successfully, authentically and with confidence
  • Improve top to toe visuals of Brand-YOU: AKA Wardrobe

Female Graduating Student on Color Background

Graduation day is always good fun

And why not. When you do the work, you need to be celebrated, that’s why we have a graduation ceremony at the end to say, Well Done. The Cohort then become your support network .

Complimentary Playbook & more

You get a Playbook to Work Your Quirks. It’s an editable and expandable PDF that you put your name to and use and update as you go along.

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18th Sept

12.30 pm

  • 5 x 1-hour sessions every 2 weeks
  • Work Your Quirks book & PLAYBOOK
  • Wardrobe update challenge
  • LinkedIn profile review
  • Personalised brand strategy
  • Learning confirmation
  • A Mortar board & certificate posted
  • All sessions recorded

What does the package include?

Virtual Veterinary Appointment

Bonus: 1-2-1 Coaching with Lily: Value £275

Option to have an accountability ​partner - a Goal-Friend

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Payment Options

Deposit @ £50

Early Bird @ £175 X 2 (Ends 31 Aug)

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Session Dates:

Sept 25

Oct 9, 23

Nov 6, 20​

Group @ £395 per person

Full - £475

All sessions recorded

Any queries, email

Virtual assistant working in her office
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25th Sept​

12.30 pm​

Sa​y hello via

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+44 7956 229 817

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